It takes a village…
Parents helping parents.
It’s what we do, and you will be too.
Charitable Work
Parenting with Purpose was created to offer our courses to the widest possible audience, geographically and economically. Being on Zoom enables us to reach parents all over the world; from London to Manilla, Cape Town to San Francisco. Our bursary program has already been taken up by more than 70 families.
As our first year of teaching coincided with the beginning of the Covid Crisis, we recognised the enormous stress that families were experiencing. In recognition of those very extraordinary circumstances, we decided not to charge any clients. Instead clients donated to two charities that are aligned with our values: Love to Give, an organisation that supports families in Stellenbosch, South Africa, and ClientEarth, an NGO that uses law to defend the planet.
So far, we have helped Love to Give raise over 310,000 Rand and ClientEarth to raise £4,800.
“After the unbelievable R310 000 you raised through Covid which provided food relief to thousands of families for months on end, you continue your support of Love to Give and we are very grateful. On behalf of the malnourished and hungry children, the unemployed youth and the disempowered women in Kayamandi, a sincere thank you for this donation.”
—Love to Give